Getting Started

Note: we recomonded you to please make your one own css file & one js files and add that in your page, so whenever the update of Xtreme admin comes it does not affect your code.
Download a Package Source From our Mart.

Install Node.js From

After that open command promt or any other terminal and go to Package Path.

cd [root] / package /

Npm is a default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. If you've already then update once.

npm install --global npm@latest

To check weather is node succesfully install or not.

npm --version

For yarn package manager.

npm install --global yarn

To check weather is yarn succesfully install or not.

yarn --version

Gulp is a cross-platform, streaming task runner that lets developers automate many development tasks. To install gulp globally has inclue:

npm install --global gulp-cli

If you have previously installed gulp then remove it.

npm rm --global gulp

To check weather is gulp succesfully install or not.

gulp --version

Below Command will execute all the assets(js,scss) to the dist folder separately.


How to Install npm dependencies?

In your root folder enter the following command to install the project dependencies: npm install, this command will install all the template libraries inside the node_modules folder, after that you need to run this command gulp copy to include dependencies in assets/libs folder.

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